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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sorry for the Silence

The universe is conspiring against my posting this week! My broadband is tired and emotional and keeps dropping the signal. My daughter is a teething lunatic who will not let me put her down or leave her side for love nor money and I have had some writing deadlines so have had to look after those as a priority. So I do apologise for lack of normal service on Ellie loves...

I do not have to make excuses for this lovely brush however. This Kabuki brush by Ecotools is my new BBF (best brush friend!) The synthetic taklon bristles are 100% cruelty free and really soft on the skin. They are densely packed too so the product is applied very well; I'm using mine for bronzer, but it's also great for powder and minerals. All of the brushes handle and packaging are environmentally worthy, they are as cheap as chips in Boots and it performs fantastically....what's not to love!

Me, on the other hand, should be performing more fantastically tomorrow (broadband allowing!)


  1. I love the look of this brush....very chunky! xx

  2. Broadband craziness where I live too.
    What's up?

  3. Teething in this house too, it is so cruel on little girls.

  4. Ellie! I've been meaning to thank you forever for reading my blog all the way from Ireland!!! I love that so much. Been on a house hunting craze, which for now is my excuse:) Hope the teething lets up so you both can relax a bit. I would absolutely love to visit Ireland one day. I have friends who were just there for a wedding. So jealous.

  5. Hi Happenstance!
    Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog; really gorgeous and inspiring. I hope you do get to come here some day, it's a good spot. Crazy, tempermental weather but good all the same!


Hello and thank you for nice!