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Monday, August 30, 2010


It sure is a Happy Monday today my dears! You may remember my post last week about little Molly; my next door neighbours five year old daughter who fell out a window two weeks ago and suffered terrible brain injuries? Well, we've been enlisting as many people as we can to say prayers or send good vibes or to just think about her (whatever works for you!) and I am so glad and inspired to say that it's working!!

We heard this morning that she has come off life support, she can see, she can talk and she can move all her limbs! The doctors are astounded and can't say why she's recovering, she just is. One even mentioned the word 'miracle'.

All I know is that little Molly is coming back and I think it's down to the power of people delving deep into their hearts and souls to mentally pull her back from the brink.... That, and Mollys own strength and bravery and her parents sheer determination that they would not let their little girl go under any circumstances.

She's not out of the woods by any means yet, but it's not as dark as it was and she's in the woods with all the people who love her and she'll be running out into the sunlight soon we hope....

(P.S the winner of the Friday Freebie is Funny Face me your address!)


  1. wow, thats amazing,so happy for her, i hope she makes a speedy full recovery! xxxx

  2. Thats fantastic i will say a prayer for her tonight hun. xx

  3. My prayers are with that brave little girl xxx

  4. That's so good to hear! Molly & her family have been in my thoughts since I read your post. I have a 4 year old girl myself & can only imagine what they must be going through. So, so wonderful to hear happy news xx

  5. Delighted to hear about little Molly, my heart goes out to her poor parents xx

  6. i'll say my payers for her tonight.

  7. What a lovely expression 'she's in the woods with all the people who love her'. I'm thinking of The Teddy Bear's Picnic - if you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise' I hope everyone who went into the woods with Molly will get a lovely BIG SURPRISE.


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