So, I'm not going to blog about beauty today as my heart's not in it but I do want to show you this Empowerment bracelet by Avon. So far their series of empowerment jewellery has raised a staggering $18 million for domestic violence charities worldwide. The lovely blue and silver charm bracelet features the infinity symbol which represents a future of infinite possibility for women and all the sales from the bracelet go to Women's Aid.
Avon believe quite rightly that 'if you empower women, you can change the world' so leave me a comment below to be in the draw to win one today and let's get that empowerment rolling...
(and please hold the people of Japan and others affected by the quake in your heart today and for all their tomorrows, whatever they may hold)
wish i could do something to help those in need :(
p.s. thats a pretty cool bracelet. enter me :)
punkme15 at gmail dot com
My heart goes out to them too....whata tragedy
As for empowerment, so far today I've dealt with a teething baby, a toddler with gall stones (again!), reschedluing dental appointments, organising swimming lessons, 4 month vaccinations, all on 3 hours sleep and its not even lunchtime yet. That bracelet would definitely cheer me up :)
It's so devastating, isn't it. And now there are waves set to hit Hawaii. Praying they'll all be ok anywhere affected
Hi Ellie,
Just saw some terrible pics on the net from Japan, such a devastation!
On the empowerment of women and the many wonderful words of wisdom from my 82 year old grandmother this one has stuck with me throughout the years "love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe!"
It is so sad for Japan, my boyfriend woke me up to this news this morning.
please enter me. msbubu26 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you
I know, I've been glued to tv and internet all day, could not look away. I'm just so happy that so far Indonesia and the Phillipines and the other islands do not seem to be hit too hard by the tsunami. How scared every one must be in Japan, in the freezing darkness, entire parts of the coast ablaze with fire... Prayers to all affected.
My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.
Please enter me.
It's scary the amount of natural disasters happening in the world.
I love blue, so of course I would love to win.
My thoughts and prayers aer with all those affected
The world is been turned upside down with wars and natural disasters. Prayers are needed at this time
Fabolous idea, extremely commendable... Love the bracelet an what it stands for and of course my thoughts are with those poor poor people :( xx
love the bracelet....and who doesnt love reece!
Dreadful tragedy in Japan, the poor people :( My thoughts are with them.
Lovely bracelet! I love this quote:
The most common way people give up their power
is by thinking they don't have any.
~ Alice Walker ~
lorraineweldon at gmail.com
its really bad what has happened in japan, theres no words to correctly describe the devesation there.
on a happier note, lovely bracelet.
So upsetting watching the news :(
I am a new follower and would love to be entered please.
It's so horrible on so many levels.
On a lighter note, this a gorgeous bracelet.
I xouldn't believe it, when I heard it at first. Poor people...
It really puts our own petty plights into insignificance when you see the devestation happening in Japan. It's so so sad. Really makes you appreciate what you have in life.
Really nice of you to highlight Avon's empowerment bracelet and take a break from the beauty side of things given the day that's in it.
I'm delighted to be part of a company that gives something back and helps to highlight the needs of others and charitable organisations.
Hi Ellie the devastation in Japan as a result of what may turnout to be the worst earthquake ever recorded is really heartbreaking. What strikes me in the coverage on TV is the dignity of those affected. The pictures of the little children is most moving. I join with your lovely followers in offering my prayers and thoughts to all those caught up in this disaster. Lets empower ourselves by making kindness and compassion our default settings.
It's actually terrible...been watching sky news all weekend and I can safely say that I would donate money if I had any! I am DELIGHTED that Lady Gaga has apparently donated 16 million, and Justin Bieber has donated 1 million...glad to see some of their many riches going to such a needy cause.
Hi there, I've just found your blog and I love it! Love the rimmel lipstick in your last post, I'm planning a mini splurge with my advantage card points soon so I'll need to look out for it :)
I am the same - it is so difficult to take in the scale of what has happened in Japan, however as the commenter above me said, how nice to see the money donated by celebrities as well as any amount people can afford, it all helps. That avon quote is so inpsiring.
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