Friday, February 25, 2011

Hear Our Voices

The day has come. Ireland is going to the polls to have our say and vote in a new government. Our country is in crisis, we have lost our jobs and our young people. Our future has been gambled with by the corrupt, greedy, small minded and plainly idiotic people who were supposedly 'leading' us. Leading us where? Into the darkness it seems...
But today is our chance to rattle the cage and although we are not entirely inspired by the choices before us, at least a change is possible.
A changing of the guard, a changing of the conciousness, and hopefully a change in mindset...

Get out, vote and enjoy playing your part.

( I just love this picture, it looks exactly like my Mum in the 70's with her long hair!)


Fiona said...

She is the image of my Mum back then as well :-)

Thelma Frayne said...

That was a very interesting article- the parallels drawn with the Potato Famine in particular.

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