Anyone been watching
Baking Made Easy on BBC2? It's a great baking show with ex-supermodel Lorraine Pascale. I'm not a baker; it's far too precise for me, I tend towards the more intuitive cooking with some good results and some bad! But anyway, Lorraine has almost inspired me to get my bake on, she's super relaxed and really makes it look easy. She also has a fab house that I drool over as much as her creations!

Anyway, these are not her cakes, these delightful pieces of confection are by former classical ballerina turned baker
Maggie Austin. Aren't they so beautiful!

She takes her design ideas from the world of couture, each cake looking as though weaved from the finest fabrics and decorated with edible pearls and petals.

Wouldn't this make such a beautiful wedding cake with the lower tier covered in pearls!

Maggie is based in Washington, so unfortunately I can't imagine them staying intact all the way to here - we can but fantasise...

...or try ourselves after watching more of Lorraine's techniques!
those cakes... I'm speechless! loving lorraine's baking show too xox
I can say that Lorraine's baking show is the only cookery TV show that I have ever enjoyed. I look forward to it each week. Must look out for her books. AND congratulations on the arrival of The Dalkey Food Company. The webpage looks scrummy.
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