I totally love signs at weddings! As a writer myself and coming from a family where the written and spoken word is highly valued ( we are a clan of writers, broadcasters and musicians!) So I can really imagine using something like this at my wedding. Isn't it great?

Cute informal bridesmaids and cool groomsmen..love the converse!

I love this shot... look at the look in his eyes...intense!

I always like the shoe shot!

The ladies... great style...bet it was a fun wedding.
(see more of this wedding over on once wed)
What a lovely wedding! Definately stealing the Converse idea!! Now just to inform my Kerryman that he has a question to pop!! ;)
Ha! I love it.... how can you drop hints I wonder, hhmmm...perhaps leave little notes around the house with 'I would say yes, you know' !!!
Fab wedding, a friend of mine got married recently and had a silent disco at the end!
I love wacky weddings :)
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